Saturday, September 11, 2021

The worst Spider-Man poster ever?


As Mrs B and I are taking a short seaside break, SuperStuff postings may be a bit impacted, sitting here on the sun lounger. However, I came across this black and white photo I took back in 1973/74 of a Spider-Man poster that presumably was a free gift from a Marvel weekly or FOOM? At the time I must have thought it was pretty cool, but now I think it must be the worst Spider-Man poster ever produced.

Apologies for the dim image , but I’m sure it may ring a few bells? Any thoughts on where it came from? Anyone still have it on the back of their bedroom door?

***** UPDATE Sept 14th *****

Thanks to Kid for more background on the poster, to be found over at his blog at 


  1. You cut out 8 tokens (from 10) from SMCW and sent them in to Marvel UK, who sent you the poster in exchange for the tokens. The full length colour version is on my blog somewhere, though it's the preview from SMCW. However, I do own the actual posters from MWOM and SMCW - replacements (of my originals) which I've had for at least a couple of decades now.

    1. Thanks Kid. So earliest I could have sent for the poster was SMCW #8? I’ll look in your blog for the colour version. Search as I could, I couldn’t find any original image of it using Google

  2. I knew Kid would have the answer to that- it really was an awful poster and I'm glad I never cut out the tokens frm my early SMCWs for it. Below is the link to Kids post on his blog (it looks just as bad in colour :) - hope you enjoy your trip.

    1. I've added the link to Kid's blog, McScotty. Thanks to both of you for the comments. You were a wise man not to cut the tokens out, I agree.
